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We offer the ability to produce

the best software to suit YOUR needs.

In this day and age where everyone is using the same old "one size fits all" software, do you not often wish to be able to do a little more? Do not worry, KLAENE dot NET can do it for you.

We offer you the ability to have what you want. The systems professionals at KLAENE dot NET have over 30 years of experiece. The platforms and languages supported by KLAENE dot NET include:

For Windows platform we use the Microsoft Visual Studio Professional package. For Linux and UNIX, the GNU set of tools are used to develop programs.

In our shop the are three primary development systems, one for each of the supported platforms. Additionally there are two Windows based work stations. All are networked together. Through the use of the GNU SAMBA package, the Linux and UNIX based systems are able to easily share files with the Windows based systems.

Both the FreeBSD UNIX and the Linux system have the Apache Web Server, PHP web script language, and the MySQL database installed. The Windows development system has MS-SQL. All three platforms support ODBC. This enables KLAENE dot NET to actually test our designs in either dedicated or mixed platform environments.
Should you wish to install a network and/or a web server at your facility, KLAENE dot NET is ready to assist you to both install and maintain your infrastructure.
Remember, YOU are the customer and it is our desire to keep YOU happy! This policy is what separates us from most other Web Site designers.